We are
Marketing Monkeys.


Got questions in your minds? Here's the answers to all of them( okay most of them) 

Hello from Jaipur! We're a digital marketing and development company founded by two engineers who believe in keeping things simple. No fancy jargon or tech-speak; just good ol' straightforward solutions.

What We Do?

What We Do?

Cutting to the chase, we're all about making your online presence shine. From getting cozy with SEO strategies to building websites that work, consider us your tech-savvy pals. But, let's be real, we're not just about codes and clicks; we throw in a bit of creativity and passion for good measure.

 Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

Looking for the best digital marketing agency in Jaipur? Search no more! Our team combines technical expertise with a touch of creativity to provide you with unparalleled services. We are your one-stop solution for everything from SEO to social media marketing, ensuring your business stands out in the digital landscape.

 Why Plant Stories?

Why Plant Stories?

Stories matter. We're not just planting codes; we're also cultivating stories. Think of it as giving your brand a relatable personality. Oh, and our founders? They're not just into digital stuff; they've got a soft spot for actual greenery too. Planting ideas, you know?

What we Offer

Website/Webapp Development

Website/Webapp Development

From getting cozy with SEO strategies to building websites that work, consider us your tech-savvy pals. But, let's be real, we're not just about codes and clicks; we throw in a bit of creativity and passion for good measure.

 Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Captivate your audience with our content marketing. From blog posts to multimedia, we craft compelling narratives that inform and establish your brand as an industry authority. Partner with us for a journey of online growth. 🚀✨

 SEO Optimization

SEO Optimization

Climb search engine ranks effortlessly with our meticulous SEO services. We optimize your website for increased visibility on key search terms, attracting organic traffic and boosting your online presence.

 Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Stand out in the social media crowd with our engaging strategies. We build brand loyalty, boost online presence, and make your brand shine across platforms.

 🤝 Meet the Minds

🤝 Meet the Minds

Wondering who's behind the screens? It's our founders—engineers by day, digital enthusiasts by night. When they're not in geek mode, you'll catch them planting seeds and cracking a few jokes. They bring a touch of Jaipur warmth and a dash of humor to the tech scene.

Wanna Know more?

Join us over a  coffee or your favourite gulaabi chai😉.
